[Themaintainers] Talk: What Do Maintainers Know and How do they Know it? (Zachary Pirtle, Thurs 9th March UTC+1 1800-1915)

mark young youngm54001 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 5 23:23:25 EST 2023

Dear all,

We’d like to announce the next session of the SPT Maintenance and
Philosophy of Technology SIG on on Thursday 9th March (1800-1915 UTC+1). In
this session, we’re very excited to welcome Zachary Pirtle who’ll be
discussing the epistemology of maintenance in relation to work that he has
seen at NASA

*If you'd like to recieve a link for this talk, please email me
at mark at markthomasyoung.net <mark at markthomasyoung.net> *


*What do Maintainers Know and How do they Know it? Revised Perspectives on
Engineering Maintenance*

Zachary Pirtle (George Washington University)

Thursday 9th March (1800-1915 UTC+1)

In this talk, Dr. Pirtle will provide vignettes of how engineers think
about maintenance knowledge inside the context of a government agency
focused on the engineering of complex systems. The nature of what these
maintainers know can be quite diverse and varied, touching on many of the
categories of knowledge included in Walter Vincenti's What Engineers Know
and How They Know It. Deeper attention to the subtleties of what it takes
to preserve longterm institutional knowledge is vital for engineers who
want to create more capable systems and to lead to public benefit.

(In order to avoid confusion regarding the timing of the talks - the
following table clarifies when the talks begin in different locations)

Amsterdam 6:00pm
London 5:00pm
Toronto (New York) 12:00pm
San Francisco 9:00am
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