[Themaintainers] FYI H-Environment: CFP for In the Burrow: Critical Approaches to Infrastructure Studies [Announcement]

Jonathan Coopersmith j-coopersmith at tamu.edu
Wed Sep 20 21:52:03 EDT 2023

Of possible interest:

A new Announcement has been posted in H-Environment.
CFP for In the Burrow: Critical Approaches to Infrastructure Studies
Submitted by Nastasya Kosygina
on 09/21/2023 - 1:34am

*In the Burrow: Critical Approaches to Infrastructure Studies*

*Dates:* March 8th & 9th 2024

*Place:* University of California—Irvine

*Keynote Speakers:* Dr. Lisa Parks (UCSB) & Dr. John Hopkins (NYU)

*This work is a rhizome, a burrow…We will enter, then, by any point
whatsoever; none matters more than another, and no entrance is more
privileged even if it seems an impasse, a tight passage, a siphon.*

— Deleuze & Guattari, *Toward a Minor Literature*

This conference seeks to bring together early career scholars (graduate
students and postdoctoral scholars are particularly encouraged) to
encounter one another’s infrastructural interests and perspectives. Papers
which take an infrastructural approach to the ancient and premodern
technologies are encouraged alongside those on modern and contemporary
material; authors who take up infrastructure as object, method, both, or
otherwise in their work on archaeology or media archeology, anthropology,
informatics, literary studies, or art history, as well as other fields in
the humanities and social sciences are all encouraged to participate.

Burrowing describes a laborious process of moving through a dense medium —
of confronting a mundane materiality with one’s own bodily experience. The
burrow maps the void left by an organism through time within a
subterranean, subaltern, or otherwise subliminal environment. Burrowing
requires the adoption of an infrastructural disposition towards the world.

>From a desertified minor literature to the phatic labor of human speech
acts to water conduits and digital media, the study of infrastructure has
drawn upon, brought together, and absorbed a wide variety of discourses
across the humanities and social sciences. Infrastructure encourages
perspectives ‘from below,’ it excavates subsumed and alternative
landscapes; it sublimates parallel biological and material worlds, giving
breath to their underlying possibilities for life. As pipes, aqueducts,
roads, fiber optic cables, maintenance labor, and catacombs — as minor
literatures, artifacts, and temporalities — infrastructures offer us
conceptual burrows with which to overhaul and undermine scholarly
perspectives and methods which are often rooted in the nodes and networks
articulated from positions of power and historical privilege.

*Papers might address topics ranging from (**but not limited to**):*

   - Ancient economies and networks
   - Moments of deinvisibilization and rupture
   - Videogames: structures, simulations, simulacra
   - Visual, cultural representations of infrastructure
   - Premodern gift exchange
   - The living body as landscape
   - People as infrastructure: beyond flat ontology
   - Word of mouth, gossip, and hubbub
   - Environmental time in the urban landscape
   - Circulation and flow (or backflow)
   - Sublimated material relations
   - Affect and infrastructures of feeling
   - Wires, clouds, digital metaphors
   - Practices of minor mapping
   - Writing from below: hidden, subsumed, subliminal
   - Making and growing living infrastructures
   - Catacombs, cults, cryptids, concatenations

*Send 300-500 word abstracts to **uciinfrastructure2024 at gmail.com*
<uciinfrastructure2024 at gmail.com>* by 11/15/2023.*

Please direct any questions to the above email as well. We hope to return
decisions by 12/1/2023. Written papers (20 minute presentations) will be
due a week prior to the conference. Panels will be assembled by theme
rather than by discipline, and will be chaired by UCI faculty respondents
who will facilitate discussion across talks within a panel. Organizers are
in talks with the editors of *AfterImage: The Journal of Media Arts and
Cultural Criticism*
to construct a special issue based on the presentations made at this
Contact Information

Nastasya Kosygina, Visual Studies/Art History, University of California,

Alexander Rudenshiold, Film and Media Studies, University of California,
Contact Email
uniinfrastructure2024 at gmail.com

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[image: Library of Congress Kluge Center logo] Apply for the John W. Kluge
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space and book borrowing at the Library of Congress. Deadline: September

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