[AnimeClub] [The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya]

Miguel Roberto Melendez rmelende at stevens.edu
Fri Mar 28 15:37:53 EDT 2008

Its Haruhi time!

The time has finally come the long anticipated arrival of Haruhi is 
So everyone come out from under your rocks to see one of the best rated 
Animes in all of history. Its a guaranteed laugh! Inserting 
semi-confusing blurb here: Okay, so we found this show. It seemed to be 
pretty popular in Japan, but I don't know. I don't think a lot of 
people have heard of it over here. It's about this girl in high school, 
see, but she's not normal. Well, she is normal, but she doesn't want to 
be. So she's trying to surround herself with strange people, but she 
can't seem to find any. So she forms her own club to find them, but as 
we all know, aliens and what not don't exist in the real world. And all 
this time, this guy Kyon is following her around. Well, I say 
following, but it's more like she's dragging him forcibly around. But 
in the end it's all cool, because it's like a normal high school life 
told from a different perspective. And we're showing the episodes out 
of order, because that's how it was originally aired on Japanese TV. 
So, you should come watch it. Could be good for a laugh or two. As 
always there will be snacks and drinks for all AND PIZZA! Dancing may 
or may not tolerated i haven't decided yet. 

P.S. CPAC MEETING this Sunday at 3:00pm in BC104

Additionally we are doing elections tonight be prepared to give a 
speech that is all =P.

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