[AnimeClub] [Anime Club] Fall Anime 1: Black Lagoon (Week 1)

The Anime Club's Mailing List. E-mail anime@stevens.edu if you are interested or have questions. animeclub at lists.stevens.edu
Thu Sep 7 22:57:19 EDT 2017

Since I already sent out an earlier email with the results of matriculation
this email will be shorter and have less memes since I am lazy.  So for the
first anime series we will be watching this semester is Black Lagoon!
Since this is a 2 week show and 12 episodes, we will be watching 6 episodes
this Friday and the final 6 episodes next Friday.  Also despite us asking
about it countless times, Stevens still has not figured out how to turn off
the lights in Buchard 118.  That is why for Black Lagoon, which is this
week and next week, we will be meeting in Babbio Center 122, which was the
room we found refuge in last week for matriculation, at 9PM on Friday.
Come join us as we follow the story of a Japanese salaryman be reincarnated
as a little girl joins a team of mercenaries known as the Lagoon Company!
We will have food and maybe some anime music trivia for prizes!

P.S.  We have also been hearing about how there is a Black Lagoon season 2
and how it would be incomplete to watch only Black Lagoon and not season 2
and Roberta's Blood Trail.  Since watching 12 episodes this week and 12
episodes next week is not viable and turning the anime into a 3 week anime
of 8 episodes each is also not viable due to scheduling, the solution we
came up with is that we will be watching all of Black Lagoon season 2 and
Roberta's Blood Trail on December 8th, the last day of classes before
finals.  Now I know you guys may not want to ruin your sleep schedule right
before finals so we may try and start club earlier that day as it is the
last day of classes.  However it is still rather far away so we will be
discussing more details about it closer to the date.

[image: Inline image 1][image: Inline image 2]
​The resemblance is uncanny
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