[AnimeClub] [Anime Club] Fall Anime 1: Black Lagoon (Week 2)

The Anime Club's Mailing List. E-mail anime@stevens.edu if you are interested or have questions. animeclub at lists.stevens.edu
Fri Sep 15 13:48:49 EDT 2017

Sorry for the late email, it has been a busy week.

As you guys may have heard, Stevens were finally able to connect the lights
to the switch in B-118!  I can't believe it only took them 3 weeks since
the semester started to do it, much faster than anything else they do.  But
even though it is finally fixed, we are still going to be in BC-122 tonight
at 9PM for the last 6 episodes of Black Lagoon (mainly because that's the
room that we put on the posters so it's too late to change now).

This week we will not be having snacks as we only have budget allocated for
the first week of every anime, however our treasurer should have submitted
something that would get us more money for the showings, but you can't
really trust him to do anything.  I would also like to remind you guys that
we plan to watch all of Black Lagoon S2 on the last day of classes and it
should be in B-118 unless we give it away to another club for whatever

Hope to see all of you guys there for the conclusion of Black Lagoon!

P.S. Remember to always bet on black
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