[Sgdc] Next Meeting - Tuesday 10/28/2008 - Small Game Creating Competition & Food

sgdc at lists.stevens.edu sgdc at lists.stevens.edu
Wed Oct 22 11:51:16 EDT 2008

Hello Everyone,

Now that the IC team is organizing themselves the SGDC can get back on track
with our normal operation!

What is that normal operation? Who knows!?

Let's create something interesting! Like our own small scale game creation
I'd like to organize the event next Tuesday, so we'll discuss things like
possible prizes, the rules, a time frame, etc.

We'll have food and it will be like a casual gathering for anyone who wants
to join.
Later in the night we'll go over some tutorials in XNA to get those who have
no experience programming a taste of how easy it is to dive right into game
For those who don't want to program games you wont be left out, come by,
hang out, provide feedback, have fun!

During the following weeks I want to schedule game creators to come to the
club and talk about their games and some of the processes around creating
and developing games.
We'll have a good time!

So to wrap up:

*When: Tuesday 10/28/2008 (meeting will, and have been happening every
Tuesday) at 9:00PM
Where: Babbio 220
What: Design a small scale game development competition within the club
Why: Because we're awesome!*

If anyone has any questions please email me!

Also if anyone wants to design a website for the SGDC please let me know!


P.S. I'll also post this into the facebook group as an event.

"I'm not even angry,
I'm being so sincere right now."

Theodore M. Reed
Alpha Sigma Phi - Brotherhood Development Chair
Information Technology Consultant
Microsoft Student Partner
Stevens Institute of Technology
(609) - 287 - 0534
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