[Sgdc] Game Developer event - March 18th

John Gillespie jgillesp at stevens.edu
Fri Mar 6 12:12:28 EST 2009

The IGDA sends news:

*IGDA NJ Chapter Meeting*

*Location:*  The Babbio Center Atrium

*Date:*  Wednesday, March 18th

*Time:*  7:00pm – 9:00pm

*Directions:*  6th & River Street:



o   *Coray Seifert* – Chapter Coordinator: IGDA NJ Chapter Update

o   *Chris Jurney* – Senior Programmer, Relic Entertainment: *On the War
Path: Tactical AI in DAWN OF WAR 2***

This talk will cover the new features and modifications made to the tactical
AI of the Essence Engine to satisfy the needs of DAWN OF WAR 2. Included
will be AI preproduction, handling units of widely varying movement
capabilities, and designer tools used to instill personality. Particular
focus will be given to pathfinding and behavior for large scale melee. All
concepts will be illustrated with in game videos with lots of explosions.

o   *Wade Tinney* – CEO, Large Animal Games: *Surviving the Squeeze***

Developers are experiencing budget pressure from below due to low-cost
overseas developers, budget pressure from above thanks to million-dollar
PopCap titles, and downward pressure on average selling price. How does a
small developer survive in this climate?**

o   *Drew Sikora* – Chapter Advisor: Elections Information & Candidate

As you can see, this is yet another meeting with top-notch presentations!
The plan is to start at 7:00pm sharp with Coray’s brief chapter update and
then get right into the feature presentations. We will finish with a short
talk about the yearly elections, and listen to brief statements from the
candidates. We should be done with the meeting by 9:00pm and will head over
to Mile Square Bar & Grill for a socializing hour. And yes, there will be
drink specials for all IGDA members! (Not a member? Become one now:
http://www.igda.org/join/ )
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