[Sgdc] A Message from your Game Dev Drill Sergeant

Zack Freedman zfreedma at stevens.edu
Mon Mar 16 22:17:35 EDT 2009


As all of you have probably forgotten, the kickoff inaugural
first-ever SGDC Game Development Boot Camp is this Wednesday at 9:00
in Babbio 122. Are you going to be there?

Well, your SGDC president will be there. It takes a lot to keep the
SGDC from working. Even when my hard drive dies 48 hours before the
meeting, taking my development environment, lovingly crafted
PowerPoint presentations, and humorous cat pictures with it, I make
sure I make it. Even when an IGDA meeting gets scheduled directly
before, I make sure I make it. Even when I travel across the fudgin'
country, I make sure I make it!*

We're putting on an awesome lesson that will give your video-game
abilities a kick in the pants. We're ready to take your soft, doughy
brains and bake them into crispy cookies of programming excellence.
We're fighting tooth and nail to make sure you'll walk out of the room
with your cerebellums pulsating with XNA skills. It's at Babbio 122.
It's at 9:00 this Wednesday. It's free. What's your excuse?

Show me your moves,
Zack Freedman

*I'll be giving Lesson 2 live from across three time zones with a
Webcam. Stay tuned, folks.

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