Kevin Quigley kquigley at stevens.edu
Thu Jul 16 12:22:44 EDT 2015

Hello SGDC,
As we begin to get hyped for this weekend's Game Jam
<https://www.facebook.com/events/449839068519199/>, we have been called
upon once again by the RAGE team to lend a hand in building up hype for the

In addition to the normal set of games *(which are due 9/15, tentatively)*,
they are looking for a* RAGE themed teaser game* to build up hype due a
full 10 days in advanced (*which is 9/5, tentatively*). Natalie Barillaro,
a fourth year comp sci, will be in charge of publicity and thus our RAGE
games for this year so* if you have any ideas, especially for the teaser,
please reach out to her ASAP at nbarilla at stevens.edu <nbarilla at stevens.edu>*.
She is very friendly, so don't be shy about asking her questions and
keeping her up to date.

I know last year I made a lot of the games using Construct 2 and GameMaker
Studio, but as long as they can be easily web-hosted, go crazy! *We will
not be trying to incorporate points like we did last year*, which removes
some of the annoying infrastructure and limitations on these games. The
sooner we get to work the better the games will come out and the more fun
RAGE will be. Who knows, maybe one of this weekend's Jam submissions will
even turn into a RAGE Game.

Thanks in advanced and feel free to contact me with any questions or ideas
and make sure to run your ideas by Natalie before you spend too much time
on them so she can give you the go ahead.

-Kevin Quigley
SGDC President
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