[SGDC] Game Jam O Announcement and Theme Suggestion Form

Stephen Schmidt sschmid4 at stevens.edu
Tue Oct 12 23:54:17 EDT 2021

Hey all, this is Stephen with the Game Dev Club,

Our first Game Jam of the Semester is coming on. While the location of the opening ceremony has not been determined yet, It will begin on Friday, October 22nd, at 7pm and end on Sunday, October 24th, at 7pm. That means you will have 48 hours to build your game.

Every Game Jam has a theme and this year its Game Jam O. Below is the link to a form where you can suggest themes for this Game Jam starting with the letter "O." A list of themes will be compiled, and one theme will be selected by the e-board. Feel free to submit as many theme suggestions as you'd like! The theme will be revealed at the opening ceremony and announced on the discord shortly after. An itch.io page for the jam will be available for you to submit your game, a vote will be taken after the closing ceremony, and the winners will be announced and the prizes will be awarded shortly after.

An email update will be sent out as the Game Jam approaches.

Google Form:

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