[Themaintainers] References on financial maintenance of information/data infrastructures?

Mark Parsons parsonsm.work at icloud.com
Thu Jun 10 09:27:16 EDT 2021


You my find this OECD report on business models for repositories useful: 
OECD. (2017). Business models for sustainable research data repositories. https://doi.org/10.1787/302b12bb-en 

It, in turn, has many other references notably on studies of the ROI of repositories.


> Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2021 11:38:13 +0100
> From: Kalpana Shankar <kalpana.shankar at ucd.ie>
> To: themaintainers <themaintainers at lists.stevens.edu>
> Subject: [Themaintainers] References on financial maintenance of
> 	information/data infrastructures?
> Message-ID:
> 	<CAAGcWMYehFM4eQFyrE-tzQyrk85Rw_renDozc7xY_0yRv6v2Rg at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Dear Maintainers,
> A collaborator and I are revisiting some work of ours that stalled out
> about 2+ years ago, a  study of how income/revenue, expenditures, budgets,
> cost-sharing (IOW, money) is deployed in sustaining information
> infrastructures.
> We had framed it as an infrastructure study, and it is, but one of the good
> parts of that stalling out is that we have to update the literature review
> and that has given me space, particularly to read this list. There  are of
> course data infrastructures papers galore, but there's also a maintenance
> piece that we missed the first time around.
> Can anyone point me to some work on maintenance of data repositories and
> infrastructures that might have some relevance to our focus on the
> financial dimensions of doing so?  And if not that, per se, some references
> that might be useful in helping us foreground why we should care about
> money?
> Thank you!
> Kalpana
> -- 
> Kalpana Shankar
> Professor, School of Information and Communication Studies
> Fellow, UCD Geary Institute for Public Policy
> University College Dublin
> Belfield 4
> Dublin
> kalpana.shankar at ucd.ie
> Co-Editor in Chief (with Professor Eugenia Siapera), *Online Information
> Review*
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